How are you?

How are you, seriously?  By now, we have all made peace with things being different these days but, have we really paid attention to how these changes have affected us emotionally and physically?  Are we so good at being strong that we have completely ignored the effects this pandemic has had on us and what this new normality truly means?

Emily Ley states “You may be bending over backward to give your loved ones a good life, but if you’re not taking care of yourself too, you’re moving backward—away from your goal.”

As women, mothers, wives, professionals, and, daughters we are always giving.  Giving to our families, our jobs, our friends, and our community without regard to what our bodies and minds are telling us.  Today, I want to remind you to be kinder to yourself.  No, is a valid response to any invitations or ask—it does NOT make you a bad person, friend, or daughter.  Because you said No you will not be loved any less.

As we start a new work week, schedule several short self-care moments.  Here are some ideas:

·        Go to your favorite spot in your home and enjoy 10 minutes of silence

·        Read a chapter of that book you’ve been meaning to read

·        Take a bath and play soothing spa music

·        Go for an evening walk by yourself or your favorite fur baby

·        Enjoy that mini-chocolate bar

·        Call a friend—just because

·        Buy yourself flowers

However, self-care looks like to you—do it and resist the urge to talk yourself out of it.  Cultivating a life that matters looks at every area of your life. Make the TIME because you are worth it!

Success women know when to work hard and when to pay attention to their present needs.

Cheering you on,
