How to find the right Coach for you...

Happy 2016 Empowered One!!!

Can you believe that we are almost at the midway point in the first month of the year?  This year seems to be going at the same lightning speed as 2015. 

A few weeks ago I was speaking to a dear friend who said to me “Silvia, I am so confused, everyone is calling themselves a coach these days.”  I fully understood what she was saying because I see it on my newsfeeds, emails and even some of the events I attend.

There are many great coaches out there—and may I add with a unique specialty and expertize to offer their clients.  However, as with everything, there are great ones and there are some that are imitating the hard work and financial investment that some of us have put into our careers and passion.

So, as a consumer how do you know where to go or what to do?  I for one, am always on the lookout for a great coach.  I have several that I respect and admire and are wonderful at what they do.  For example, I currently have the following coaches:

1.)    Branding Coach

2.)    Business Development Coach

3.)    Fitness Coach and,

4.)    Wellness Coach (specifically for essential oils therapies)

However, I am also on the lookout for a great financial coach.  I have a couple of folks that I have been observing and following to see if they would be a right fit for me. 

So what are some of things that I look for in a coach?  Here are a few items:

1)      How personable and caring is the person?  I don’t know about you, but while I am looking for accountability I also want a person that wants me to succeed and truly cares for me.

2)      Find out when and where the coach was trained.  Not all coaches are created equal! 

3)      Is the coach a learner? Your coach needs to remain not only relevant but also be a learner at heart in order to bring you the best and latest methods in the industry.

4)      Look for what type of information this coach puts out.  What are their passions and skills?  Have they been consistent over a certain period of time?  Does this coach post sporadically or inconsistently?

5)      Does their style work for me?  There are different styles of coaching and there is a match for almost everyone so there is no need to settle if their style is not for you—keep looking.

6)      WORD OF MOUTH!  Yes, listen to your friends or coworkers because that is some of the best real time reference that you have.

Let’s not forget the elephant in the room—fees!   There is a wide-array of fees that coaches charge for their services so look for the one that best fits your current financial situation.  If you are unable to afford one on one sessions with your coach at this time, look to see if there are lower priced webinars, group memberships or even group sessions that you can be part of until you are financially ready to make the investment in yourself.

I believe that we should all have at least one coach to help us move forward in life.  While some of us already have the discipline to motivate ourselves to move forward, there is always room for another perspective from someone that can see the bigger picture and has the skills to hear what you are saying “between yours words”.

Happy New Year Empowered one.  I know that if you set your mind and actions to do it, 2016 will be an unbelievable year for you!

Cheering you on,


Silvia Perez Arvelo                                                                                                                               Life Breakthrough Coach