Starting Over....

I love to go to the salon and treat myself to a wonderful manicure; it’s truly is a treat for me! I don’t seem to get them enough of them and I particularly love the whole experience and the no chip option is a dream come true.  A fresh coat of nail polish always seems to give me a boost of confidence and joy.

Yes, a little bottle of color does all that for me!

However, on this particular day I didn’t have the time to go to the salon and had to do my own nails— something that happens too often due to my hectic schedule.  I was fine with the neutral, pale pink color and actually did a decent job at it.  I said to myself “Great, one less thing on my to-do list”!

And then it happened…..

Yes, I know you’ve been there too, I started to do things and messed up about 3 of the nails on my right hand.  UGH!  REALLY!!!  I tried to fix it with an extra coat of polish and even a fresh top coat, but nothing seemed to fix it.  I finally gave up and decided that it was time to start over.

I find that there are moments in our lives where a patch, a fix, a stitch or even a small adjustment cannot fix a situation.  We need to step back, look at what is in front of us and just start over.

You see, society has taught us that starting over may be looked at as failure or even as a waste of precious time however, some things just cannot be fixed.  There are things like finances, relationships, meals, work projects that cannot be fixed easily and it will require more time and energy then to just scrap the original plan and start over.

Something as simple as my nails actually turned out better than the original when I stopped trying to fix it.  The new was better than the original and quicker than spinning my wheels in trying to fix it.

Here are some tips that you can do to evaluate your situation:

-          Step back and be honest with yourself if a fix will truly give you the desired outcome.

-          How much energy, time or money will be required if you start versus trying to fix it?

-          Ask others close to you for advice on whether starting over is really your best option.

-          Finally, imagine yourself with the new “product”.  How does that feel?

Staring over may not be as bad as you think.  Stop trying to fit into what society thinks and do what is truly best for you today!

Cheering you on,


Coach Silvia